Vianden Castle hikes

This weekend in Vianden combines the Promenade Ourdall with the Nat’Our Route 5 and Nat’Our Route 6. With the Promenade Ourdall you’ll follow the Our river with great views on the river itself, whereas the Nat’Our Route 5 offers a more sturdy terrain, including some steep rock climbing steps with amazing views on the Vianden Castle. Nat’Our Route 6 brings you to Kammerwald, an old smuggler path and the highlight: the Königseiche (“King’s oak”), which, at 350 years old, is one of the oldest trees in the West Eifel.

Our Experience

Day 1: Promenade Ourdall + Nat’Our Route 5 (23KM, 4,5 hours)

On Friday evening we arrived at Vianden Castle Camp and parked our car on the camping terrain. The next morning, after we had breakfast next to our tent, we were ready to start the day.

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Day 2: Nat’Our Route 6 (11,6 KM, 2,5 hours)

After a cold night in the tent, we packed our belongings and parked the car at the free parking lot close to the Nat’Our Route 6. You could also park the car at this only free parking lot, but be on time as the parking gets full quickly. We arrived at the King’s oak, one of the oldest trees in the West Eifel, with a circumference of 5 meters and a height of 32 meters. At great place for lunch, as there are a few picnic tables.

You can even extend your hike to visit the Vianden Castle itself. You can either walk this route up and down, or decide to take the chairlift (tickets are €7,- p.p.). You can finish the weekend with a drink at this restaurant at the top of the chairlift.

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What to pack

  • enough water (2L)
  • hiking shoes
  • small backpack
  • phone / camera to make nice pictures

GPX Route

I’m a big fan of Komoot, so here you can find the route with distance, time, height differences all-in-one for each day:

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